Back in Oberstdorf, with a baby in tow, it seemed like my skating had been stagnant these 2 years. Indeed, it has been challenging trying to get back the elements, and finding time to put together a good program.
Nevertheless, what is different is that this year, the Singapore flag hangs over the rink here for the first time. And, for the first time, I find myself standing on the podium!
I enjoyed skating my program this evening, despite a little trouble with two of my spins. I had gone on the ice having decided that I will do only what I can do. Though that meant giving up double jumps, it gave me a sense of security and allowed me to focus more on the presentation of my program rather than worrying about elements!
Here's a video of my event (this was taken by DH on his mobile phone)
Thanks to Axelle for putting me on the ice, my DH for supporting me, and everyone else who helped to watch my baby when DH and I were busy!
Results from the ISU Adult Figure Skating Competition